Regaining life for
precarious women at work
Regaining life for precarious women at work

Regardless of the country in which they live, many women face work-life balance difficulties, often leading to precarious situations. These are difficulties in terms of access to employment, working conditions, and discrimination or living conditions. In many cases, these barriers tend to accumulate.


Regal departs from the assumption that vulnerable people have not the means, the room and the time to aspire about their own life, about the future of their children and their family. This lack of aspiration hinders a search and a realization of a fair work-life balance. Enhancing their capacity to aspire through a narrative methodology REGAL empowers the vulnerable women, creates a common floor for a debate with employers, worker organisations and governments, and opens windows for a reinforced legislation on WLB based on vulnerability of women and men.

The countries and their target groups
  • France: women with a migration history
  • Belgium: lone parents with young children
  • Portugal: poor women with a migration history
  • Rumania: women with children living in rural regions
  • Ireland: families who have experienced homelessness
Work-life Balance